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Kinetica DB on Kubernetes

This walkthrough will show how to install Kinetica DB on a Mac running OS X. The Kubernetes cluster will be running on VMs with Ubuntu Linux 22.04 ARM64.

This solution is equivalent to a production bare metal installation and does not use Docker, Podman or QEMU but rather Apple native Virtualization.

The Kubernetes cluster will consist of one Master node k8smaster1 and two Worker nodes k8snode1 & k8snode2.

The virtualization platform is UTM.

Obtain a Kinetica License Key

A product license key will be required for install. Please contact Kinetica Support to request a trial key.

Download and install UTM.

Create the VMs


For this walkthrough the master node will be 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM & 40-64 GB disk.

Start the creation of a new VM in UTM. Select Virtualize

Choose Virtualize in UTM

Select Linux as the VM OS.

Choose Linux in UTM

On the Linux page - Select Use Apple Virtualization and an Ubuntu 22.04 (Arm64) ISO.

Apple Virtualization & Ubuntu 22.04 ARM64

As this is the master Kubernetes node (VM) it can be smaller than the nodes hosting the Kinetica DB itself.

Set the memory to 8 GB and the number of CPUs to 4.

Memory & CPUs

Set the storage to between 40-64 GB.

Disk Size

This next step is optional if you wish to setup a shared folder between your Mac host & the Linux VM.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 20.55.34.png

The final step to create the VM is a summary. Please check the values shown and hit Save

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 20.56.12.png

You should now see your new VM in the left hand pane of the UTM UI.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 20.57.03.png

Go ahead and click the button.

Once the Ubuntu installer comes up follow the steps selecting whichever keyboard etc. you require.

The only changes you need to make are: -

  • Change the installation to Ubuntu Server (minimized)
  • Your server's name to k8smaster1
  • Enable OpenSSH server.

and complete the installation.

Reboot the VM, remove the ISO from the 'external' drive . Log in to the VM and get the VMs IP address with

ip a

Make a note of the IP for later use.

k8snode1 & k8snode2

Repeat the same process to provision one or two nodes depending on how much memory you have available on the Mac.

You need to change the RAM size to 16 GB. You can leave the vCPU count at 4. For the disk size that depends on how much data you want to ingest. It should however be at least 4x RAM size.

Once installed again log in to the VM and get the VMs IP address with

ip a


Make a note of the IP(s) for later use.

Your VMs are complete

Continue installing your new VMs by following Bare Metal/VM Installation